Tag judge reverses order

A interesting scenario!

In a Tag Team match, the order of the tag is typically determined by the wrestlers themselves, with one wrestler being the "active" wrestler and the other being the "resting" wrestler. The active wrestler is the one who is currently in the ring, trying to pin or submit their opponent, while the resting wrestler is the one who is outside the ring, waiting for the opportunity to tag in.

However, if a judge (or a referee) is involved in the match, they may have the authority to reverse the order of the tag. This could happen in a few scenarios:

  1. Dispute over the tag: If there's a dispute over whether a tag was made successfully, the judge may need to intervene to resolve the issue. In this case, they might reverse the order of the tag if they determine that the tag was not made correctly.
  2. Injury or illness: If one of the wrestlers is injured or ill during the match, the judge might need to reverse the order of the tag to ensure the safety of the wrestlers. For example, if the active wrestler is badly hurt, the judge might order the resting wrestler to take their place in the ring to continue the match.
  3. Unsportsmanlike conduct: If one of the wrestlers is engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct, such as deliberately trying to injure their opponent or refusing to follow the rules, the judge might reverse the order of the tag as a penalty.

In any case, the judge's decision to reverse the order of the tag would be final and binding, and the match would continue with the new order.