Alliance for new nigeria presidential candidate

The Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN) is a political party in Nigeria that was founded in 2014. The party has produced a presidential candidate for the 2023 Nigerian presidential election.

The ANN presidential candidate for the 2023 election is Dr. Felix Nicholas, a medical doctor and entrepreneur. Dr. Nicholas was born in 1964 in Benue State, Nigeria. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Benin and later specialized in orthopedic surgery at the University of Lagos.

Dr. Nicholas has been involved in politics for several years and has been a vocal critic of the current political system in Nigeria. He has called for reforms to address corruption, improve the economy, and promote good governance.

The ANN has a platform that focuses on several key issues, including:

  1. Economic development: The party aims to create a robust economy that is driven by innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation.
  2. Corruption: The party is committed to eradicating corruption and promoting transparency and accountability in government.
  3. Education: The party believes that education is key to national development and has promised to invest in education to improve access and quality.
  4. Healthcare: The party has promised to improve the healthcare system in Nigeria by increasing funding and investing in infrastructure.
  5. Security: The party has promised to improve security in Nigeria by increasing funding for the military and police, and by promoting community policing.

The ANN has also promised to promote unity and inclusivity in Nigeria, and to address the issues of marginalization and inequality.

It's worth noting that the ANN is a relatively new party, and it's still building its structure and organization. However, the party has gained some attention and support in recent months, particularly among young Nigerians who are looking for an alternative to the traditional political parties.