Tag journalism

Tag journalism refers to the practice of assigning keywords or tags to news articles, blog posts, or other online content to help categorize and make them more discoverable. This is often done to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and to make it easier for readers to find related content.

In traditional journalism, tags are often used to categorize news articles by topic, such as politics, sports, or entertainment. This helps readers quickly find articles that are relevant to their interests and helps journalists to organize and prioritize their work.

In digital journalism, tags are often used in conjunction with other metadata, such as keywords, categories, and meta descriptions, to help search engines understand the content of a webpage and to improve its visibility in search results.

Some common uses of tags in journalism include:

  1. Categorizing news articles by topic or theme
  2. Identifying key issues or trends in a story
  3. Providing additional context or background information
  4. Helping readers to find related content or follow-up stories
  5. Improving search engine optimization (SEO) and increasing visibility in search results

Examples of tags that might be used in journalism include:

Overall, the use of tags in journalism helps to make content more discoverable, organized, and relevant to readers, and can help journalists to tell more effective and engaging stories.