Cheap flights to lagos nigeria from new york

A trip to Lagos, Nigeria from New York! Here are some tips to help you find cheap flights:

When to Book: The best time to book flights from New York to Lagos is during the off-season, which is usually from May to October. Avoid booking during peak travel seasons like Christmas, New Year's, and summer holidays.

Airline Options: Several airlines operate direct or connecting flights from New York to Lagos. Here are some options:

  1. Delta Air Lines: Delta operates direct flights from New York-JFK to Lagos (LOS) with a flight duration of around 11 hours.
  2. United Airlines: United operates connecting flights from New York-EWR to Lagos (LOS) with layovers in cities like London or Amsterdam.
  3. Arik Air: Arik Air operates connecting flights from New York-JFK to Lagos (LOS) with layovers in cities like Accra or Dakar.
  4. Ethiopian Airlines: Ethiopian Airlines operates connecting flights from New York-JFK to Lagos (LOS) with layovers in Addis Ababa.

Cheap Flight Options: Here are some examples of cheap flights from New York to Lagos:

  1. Delta Air Lines: Round-trip economy flights from New York-JFK to Lagos (LOS) can cost around $800-$1,200.
  2. United Airlines: Round-trip economy flights from New York-EWR to Lagos (LOS) with layovers can cost around $900-$1,400.
  3. Arik Air: Round-trip economy flights from New York-JFK to Lagos (LOS) with layovers can cost around $1,000-$1,600.
  4. Ethiopian Airlines: Round-trip economy flights from New York-JFK to Lagos (LOS) with layovers can cost around $1,100-$1,700.

Tips to Save Money:

  1. Be flexible with your travel dates: Prices can vary depending on the day of the week and time of year.
  2. Book in advance: The earlier you book, the better your chances of getting a cheaper flight.
  3. Use flight comparison websites: Websites like Google Flights, Skyscanner, or Kayak can help you compare prices across different airlines.
  4. Consider alternative airports: If you have multiple airport options, check prices for each airport to find the best deal.
  5. Look for error fares: Keep an eye out for mistake fares, which can be significantly cheaper than usual.

Additional Costs:

  1. Visa fees: Depending on your nationality, you may need to pay a visa fee to enter Nigeria.
  2. Travel insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance to cover unexpected medical or travel-related expenses.
  3. Accommodation: Book your accommodation in Lagos in advance to ensure availability and get the best rates.

Remember to always research and book your flights, accommodation, and travel insurance carefully to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip to Lagos, Nigeria!