Tag iraqi forces backed by tribal militias during battle to retake a village from the islamic state on the eastern bank of the river tigris

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Baghdad, Iraq - Iraqi forces, backed by tribal militias, launched a joint operation on Tuesday to retake a village on the eastern bank of the River Tigris from the Islamic State (ISIS) militants.

The village, located in the province of Salahuddin, has been under ISIS control for several months, and the Iraqi government has been seeking to retake it as part of its efforts to defeat the extremist group.

The operation, which began at dawn, involved Iraqi army troops, federal police, and tribal militias, who were supported by artillery and air strikes. The forces advanced on the village from multiple directions, with the aim of encircling and isolating the ISIS fighters.

According to eyewitnesses, the fighting was intense, with both sides exchanging heavy gunfire and mortar rounds. The Iraqi forces were able to make significant progress, however, and by mid-morning, they had reportedly captured several key buildings and positions.

The tribal militias, who are made up of local residents who have been fighting against ISIS, played a key role in the operation, providing valuable intelligence and conducting reconnaissance missions behind enemy lines.

"We are proud to be fighting alongside our brothers in the Iraqi army to retake our village from the terrorists," said Sheikh Abdulrahman, a leader of one of the tribal militias. "We will not rest until ISIS is defeated and our people are safe."

The Iraqi government has been seeking to retake the village for several weeks, and the operation is seen as a key test of its ability to defeat ISIS. The extremist group has been losing ground in recent months, but it still maintains a significant presence in several parts of the country.

The operation is also seen as a key test of the effectiveness of the Iraqi army's new strategy, which involves working more closely with tribal militias and other local forces to defeat ISIS.

"We are committed to defeating ISIS and restoring stability to our country," said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. "This operation is a key part of that effort, and we are confident that it will be successful."

The outcome of the operation is still unclear, but it is expected to be a significant blow to ISIS's ability to operate in the region.