Nigeria peace corp bill latest news

Here are the latest news updates on the Nigeria Peace Corps Bill:

Latest Development:

The Nigeria Peace Corps Bill has been passed by the Senate and is awaiting assent from President Muhammadu Buhari. The bill was passed on July 28, 2022, after a thorough debate and consideration by the Senate.


The Nigeria Peace Corps Bill was first introduced in 2013 by Senator Bukola Saraki, who was then the Senate President. The bill aimed to establish the Nigeria Peace Corps as a national agency responsible for promoting peace, conflict resolution, and community development in Nigeria.

Key Provisions:

The bill, if signed into law, will establish the Nigeria Peace Corps as a federal agency with the following key provisions:

  1. The agency will be responsible for promoting peace, conflict resolution, and community development in Nigeria.
  2. The agency will have the power to investigate and prevent conflicts, as well as provide humanitarian assistance to affected communities.
  3. The agency will also be responsible for promoting national unity, reconciliation, and social cohesion.
  4. The agency will have a governing council, which will be responsible for the overall direction and management of the agency.


The passage of the bill has been welcomed by many Nigerians, who see it as a step towards promoting peace and stability in the country. However, some critics have raised concerns about the potential duplication of functions with existing agencies, such as the National Orientation Agency (NOA) and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

Next Steps:

The bill will now be sent to President Buhari for assent. If signed into law, the Nigeria Peace Corps will become a federal agency, and its governing council will be established to oversee its operations.


Please note that the information provided is accurate as of the date of my knowledge cutoff, and may change as new developments emerge.