Tag god will fight my fight for me laments nigerian player pained after hes thrown out of rio olympics hotel

It seems like you're sharing a quote from a Nigerian athlete who has been thrown out of the Rio Olympics hotel. The quote is:

"Tag God will fight my fight for me"

This quote suggests that the athlete is feeling helpless and is seeking divine intervention to help them overcome their current situation. The phrase "Tag God" is a colloquialism in some African cultures, including Nigeria, which is used to express a sense of resignation or surrender to a higher power.

The athlete's lament is likely a response to being thrown out of the hotel, which could be due to various reasons such as misbehavior, non-payment of bills, or other issues. The athlete may be feeling frustrated, disappointed, and helpless in the face of this situation.

It's worth noting that the Rio Olympics were held in 2016, so this quote is likely from that time period.