Tag export expansion grant

The Tag Export Expansion Grant (TEEG) is a program offered by the Government of Canada to support the growth and development of the Canadian tag industry. Here are some key points about the TEEG:

Purpose: The TEEG aims to increase the competitiveness of the Canadian tag industry by providing financial assistance to eligible companies to expand their tag production and export capabilities.

Eligibility: To be eligible for the TEEG, companies must:

  1. Be a Canadian-owned and operated business.
  2. Be engaged in the production of tags (including labels, stickers, and other types of tags).
  3. Have a minimum of 50% of their production dedicated to export markets.
  4. Have a minimum of 2 years of operating history.

Funding: The TEEG provides funding to eligible companies to support the expansion of their tag production and export capabilities. The funding can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  1. Purchasing new equipment and machinery.
  2. Hiring new employees or training existing employees.
  3. Developing new products or product lines.
  4. Improving manufacturing processes and efficiency.
  5. Conducting market research and development.

Application Process: Companies interested in applying for the TEEG must submit a detailed application package, which includes:

  1. A completed application form.
  2. A business plan outlining the company's goals and objectives.
  3. Financial statements and projections.
  4. A detailed description of the project or initiative being proposed.

Evaluation Criteria: The TEEG applications are evaluated based on a number of criteria, including:

  1. The company's potential for growth and expansion.
  2. The company's ability to create new jobs and stimulate economic development.
  3. The company's commitment to innovation and product development.
  4. The company's ability to compete in the global market.

Timeline: The TEEG is a competitive program, and funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. The application process typically opens in the spring and closes in the fall.

Contact Information: For more information about the TEEG, companies can contact:

I hope this information is helpful!