How the housemates voted amaka evicted from bbnaija show amaka had a tie with doyin see why her

I think there may be some misinformation here.

Amaka was not evicted from the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) show. In fact, Amaka was a housemate who was disqualified from the show on September 4, 2021, after a physical altercation with another housemate, Cross.

As for the voting, Amaka did not have a tie with Doyin. According to the show's rules, housemates with the lowest votes are evicted from the show. In Amaka's case, she was disqualified from the show due to her behavior, rather than being evicted through a vote.

It's possible that you may be thinking of a different episode or season of the show. If you have any more questions or clarification regarding the BBNaija show, feel free to ask!