Tag expert urged catfish farmers to export produce

I think there may be a bit of a misunderstanding here!

"Catfish" in this context likely refers to the fish species, not the online scam where people pretend to be someone else. Catfish farming is a type of aquaculture where catfish are raised in controlled environments for food.

So, a "tag expert" (I assume you meant "tag" as in "expert" or "specialist", not "tag" as in a label) would likely be an expert in the field of aquaculture or fisheries, and their advice would be related to the farming and management of catfish.

In this case, the expert is urging catfish farmers to export their produce, which means they are advising the farmers to sell their catfish to other countries or markets outside of their local region. This could be a way for the farmers to increase their revenue, diversify their market, and contribute to the global food supply.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help clarify!