Tag expelled

"Expelled" is a 2008 documentary film written and directed by Nathan Frankowski and produced by Walt Ruloff, John Sullivan, and Harold Coryn. The film explores the topic of academic freedom and the alleged suppression of intelligent design theory in the scientific community.

The film features interviews with several individuals, including:

  1. Ben Stein: The film's narrator and a former lawyer, Stein is known for his dry wit and sarcastic humor.
  2. Michael Behe: A biochemist and professor at Lehigh University, Behe is a proponent of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.
  3. Stephen Meyer: A philosopher and professor at Biola University, Meyer is a proponent of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.
  4. Guillermo Gonzalez: An astronomer and professor at Iowa State University, Gonzalez is a proponent of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.
  5. Jonathan Wells: A biologist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Wells is a proponent of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.

The film also features interviews with several scientists and academics who are critical of intelligent design, including:

  1. Richard Dawkins: A biologist and professor at Oxford University, Dawkins is a prominent critic of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.
  2. Lawrence Krauss: A physicist and professor at Arizona State University, Krauss is a prominent critic of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.
  3. Eugenie Scott: A physical anthropologist and professor at Indiana University, Scott is a prominent critic of intelligent design and has written several books on the topic.

The film has been widely criticized by the scientific community and has been accused of presenting misleading and inaccurate information about the scientific consensus on evolution and intelligent design.