Chrome open tab in new window setting

The eternal struggle of opening a new tab in a new window!

By default, Chrome opens a new tab in the same window. However, you can change this behavior to open a new tab in a new window by following these steps:

Method 1: Chrome Settings

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the On startup section.
  4. Click on Open a specific page or set of pages.
  5. Click on Add a new page.
  6. Enter chrome://new-window in the URL field.
  7. Click Add.

Method 2: Chrome Flags

  1. Open Chrome and type chrome://flags in the address bar.
  2. Search for open new tab in new window.
  3. Enable the Open new tab in new window flag.
  4. Restart Chrome.

Method 3: Chrome Extension

  1. Search for and install the New Tab in New Window extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Click on the extension's icon in the top right corner of the browser.
  3. Enable the extension.

After enabling any of these methods, when you click on a link or press Ctrl + T (or Command + T on a Mac) to open a new tab, it will open in a new window instead of a new tab in the same window.

Note: If you're using a Chromebook, you may need to use the Ctrl + Shift + T shortcut to open a new tab in a new window.