Tag endsars

The #EndSARS movement!

The #EndSARS movement is a Nigerian protest movement that began in 2020, aimed at ending the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a notorious police unit known for its human rights abuses, extrajudicial killings, and extortion.

The movement gained momentum on social media, with Nigerians using the hashtag #EndSARS to share their experiences and demand justice. The protests were marked by widespread demonstrations, sit-ins, and online campaigns, with many calling for the disbandment of SARS and reforms to the Nigerian police force.

The movement gained international attention, with many celebrities and organizations expressing support. The Nigerian government eventually disbanded SARS in October 2020, but the movement continues to push for further reforms and accountability.

Some notable events and milestones in the #EndSARS movement include:

  1. October 3, 2020: The Nigerian government announced the disbandment of SARS.
  2. October 20, 2020: The Lagos State government set up a judicial panel to investigate cases of police brutality and human rights abuses.
  3. November 2020: The #EndSARS movement expanded to other countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
  4. December 2020: The Nigerian government established a new police unit, the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, to replace SARS.

The #EndSARS movement has had a significant impact on Nigerian society, highlighting the need for police reform and accountability. It has also inspired similar movements in other countries, calling for an end to police brutality and human rights abuses.