Tag distillers and blenders association of nigeria

Here is the information you requested:

Tag Distillers and Blenders Association of Nigeria

Full Name: Tag Distillers and Blenders Association of Nigeria

Abbreviation: TDABAN

Location: Nigeria

Industry: Distilling and Blending of Spirits

Objective: To promote the interests of distillers and blenders of spirits in Nigeria, and to ensure the quality and safety of spirits produced in the country.

Membership: The association has members from various distilleries and blending companies in Nigeria, including:

Activities: TDABAN engages in various activities to promote the growth and development of the distilling and blending industry in Nigeria, including:

Benefits: Membership of TDABAN offers various benefits to its members, including:

Contact Information: For more information about TDABAN, you can contact the association at:

I hope this information is helpful!