Tag centre for global solutions and sustainable development cengssud

Here are some potential tags for the Centre for Global Solutions and Sustainable Development (CENGSSUD):


  1. Sustainable Development
  2. Global Solutions
  3. Centre for Global Solutions and Sustainable Development
  5. International Development
  6. Environmental Sustainability
  7. Social Justice
  8. Economic Development
  9. Climate Change
  10. Human Rights


  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  3. Global Health and Well-being
  4. Education for Sustainable Development
  5. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
  6. Water and Sanitation for All
  7. Energy and Resource Efficiency
  8. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  9. Humanitarian Response and Recovery
  10. International Cooperation and Partnerships


  1. People-Centred Development
  2. Planet-Friendly Development
  3. Prosperity and Economic Development
  4. Peace and Justice
  5. Partnerships and Collaboration
  6. Innovation and Technology
  7. Capacity Building and Training
  8. Research and Policy Analysis
  9. Community Engagement and Participation
  10. Monitoring and Evaluation


  1. Development Studies
  2. Environmental Science
  3. International Relations
  4. Public Health
  5. Education
  6. Business and Economics
  7. Engineering and Technology
  8. Social Sciences
  9. Humanitarian Affairs
  10. Government and Public Policy

These tags can help others find and understand the work of the Centre for Global Solutions and Sustainable Development (CENGSSUD) more easily.