Tag canadian nigerian film director pascal atuma

Pascal Atuma is a Nigerian-Canadian film director, producer, and actor. He was born in Nigeria but moved to Canada at a young age and grew up in Toronto, Ontario. Atuma has directed several films and television shows, including the popular Nigerian-Canadian drama series "The Johnsons" and the feature film "The Last 3 Days".

Here are some of his notable works:

Atuma has received several awards and nominations for his work, including Best Director at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival for "The Last 3 Days". He has also been recognized for his contributions to the Nigerian film industry, including a nomination for Best Director at the 2018 Africa Movie Academy Awards.

Atuma is known for his unique storytelling style, which often explores themes of identity, culture, and social issues. He has been praised for his ability to blend Nigerian and Canadian cultures in his work, creating a distinctive voice that resonates with audiences around the world.

You can follow Pascal Atuma on social media to stay up-to-date with his latest projects and behind-the-scenes insights into his work: