Tag brotherhood of the cross and star

The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BOCS) is a Christian organization founded in 1968 by Eze Okoro Iyonmimi in Nigeria. Here are some key facts about the organization:

Mission: The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is a Christian organization that aims to spread the message of Jesus Christ and promote spiritual growth, unity, and social welfare among its members.

Structure: The organization is structured into a hierarchical system, with the Supreme Head (Eze Okoro Iyonmimi) at the top, followed by the Council of Elders, the General Assembly, and the various chapters and branches.

Practices: BOCS members engage in various spiritual practices, including prayer, fasting, and meditation. They also participate in community service, charity work, and social activities.

Symbolism: The organization's symbol is the Cross and Star, which represents the union of the spiritual and material worlds. The Cross represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, while the Star represents the light of guidance and hope.

Membership: BOCS has a significant presence in Nigeria and other African countries, with an estimated membership of over 1 million people.

Controversies: The organization has been involved in some controversies over the years, including allegations of financial mismanagement and authoritarian leadership.

Criticisms: Some critics have accused BOCS of being a cult-like organization, with some members allegedly being forced to surrender their personal belongings and assets to the organization.

Support: On the other hand, many people have praised BOCS for its charitable work, community development initiatives, and spiritual guidance.

Influence: BOCS has had a significant influence on Nigerian and African culture, with its teachings and practices being adopted by many people across the continent.

Notable members: Some notable members of BOCS include politicians, business leaders, and celebrities.

Impact: BOCS has had a significant impact on Nigerian and African society, with its teachings and practices promoting spiritual growth, unity, and social welfare.

Overall, the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is a significant Christian organization in Nigeria and Africa, with a rich history, symbolism, and practices that have had a profound impact on the lives of its members and the wider community.