Tag an injured man receives treatment by iraqi special forces soldiers in mosul

Here is a possible scenario:

Scene: A dusty street in Mosul, Iraq. The sounds of gunfire and explosions fill the air as the Iraqi Special Forces (ISF) are engaged in a fierce battle against ISIS militants.

Tag: A young man, no more than 25 years old, lies on the ground, clutching his leg in agony. He's been hit by a sniper's bullet and is bleeding profusely.

Iraqi Special Forces Soldiers: A team of ISF soldiers, led by Sergeant Ahmed, rush to the scene. They quickly assess the situation and begin to provide medical treatment to the injured man.

Sergeant Ahmed: "Stay calm, brother. We're here to help you. Can you tell me what happened?"

Injured Man: "I...I was trying to escape. I saw the fighting and...and I got hit."

ISF Medic: The medic, a young woman named Dr. Fatima, quickly takes charge. She examines the wound and begins to clean it with antiseptic wipes.

Dr. Fatima: "We need to stop the bleeding. Ahmed, can you apply pressure to the wound?"

Sergeant Ahmed: "Yes, ma'am." He applies a tourniquet to the man's leg, trying to stem the flow of blood.

ISF Soldier: Another soldier, Private Khalid, uses his helmet to scoop up water from a nearby puddle and brings it to the medic.

Dr. Fatima: "Good work, Khalid. We need to keep him hydrated."

Injured Man: "Thank you...thank you for helping me."

Sergeant Ahmed: "We're not done yet, brother. We need to get you to a hospital as soon as possible."

ISF Soldiers: The ISF soldiers carefully lift the injured man onto a stretcher and begin to carry him away from the battlefield. The sounds of gunfire and explosions continue to fill the air, but the ISF soldiers remain focused on their mission to protect the innocent and defeat the enemy.

Dr. Fatima: "We'll get you to a hospital, and you'll receive the best care possible. You're safe now."

Injured Man: "Thank you...thank you for saving my life."

Sergeant Ahmed: "You're welcome, brother. We're here to help."