Drama in senate as senator suswam seeks 2 days in prison for leaders

It seems like there's been a dramatic development in the Senate!

According to reports, Senator Gabriel Suswam, a former Governor of Benue State, has sparked controversy by seeking a two-day imprisonment for some leaders in the Senate.

The drama unfolded during a plenary session, where Senator Suswam moved a motion to suspend the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, and other leaders for allegedly violating the Senate's rules and procedures.

Senator Suswam accused the leaders of being responsible for the Senate's recent woes, including the delay in passing important bills and the lack of transparency in the legislative process.

In his motion, Senator Suswam requested that the leaders be imprisoned for two days as a form of punishment and to serve as a deterrent to others.

The motion, however, was met with strong opposition from other senators, who argued that it was unconstitutional and undemocratic to imprison fellow lawmakers.

The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, also rejected the motion, stating that it was not a viable solution to the problems facing the Senate.

The drama has sparked heated debates and arguments among senators, with some calling for the suspension of Senator Suswam for his actions.

It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold, but one thing is certain - the drama in the Senate has reached new heights!

What do you think about this development? Should Senator Suswam's motion be taken seriously, or is it a publicity stunt? Share your thoughts!