Tag acquisition of yahoo

The acquisition of Yahoo by Verizon!

In July 2016, Verizon Communications announced that it would acquire Yahoo's core internet business for $4.48 billion. The deal was completed in June 2017, and Yahoo became a subsidiary of Oath, a subsidiary of Verizon.

Here's a brief timeline of the acquisition:

The acquisition was seen as a strategic move by Verizon to expand its digital media and advertising capabilities. At the time, Yahoo was one of the most popular online destinations, with over 1 billion monthly active users.

However, the acquisition was also marked by controversy and challenges. In 2013, Yahoo suffered a massive data breach, which exposed the personal data of over 3 billion users. The breach was widely criticized, and Yahoo faced numerous lawsuits and regulatory investigations.

In addition, the acquisition was seen as a major setback for Yahoo's brand and reputation. Many users were concerned about the security and privacy implications of the deal, and some even abandoned the platform.

Today, Yahoo is still a subsidiary of Oath, and its services are integrated with Verizon's other digital media properties, including AOL and HuffPost. While the acquisition was seen as a significant move by Verizon to expand its digital presence, it has also been marked by controversy and challenges.