Examination of new born on slideshate

I think you meant to say "examination of a newborn on Slideshare"!

Here's a sample outline for a presentation on the examination of a newborn on Slideshare:

Slide 1: Introduction

Slide 2: Why is Newborn Examination Important?

Slide 3: Components of Newborn Examination

Slide 4: Physical Examination

Slide 5: Neurological Examination

Slide 6: Cardiovascular Examination

Slide 7: Respiratory Examination

Slide 8: Abdominal Examination

Slide 9: Genital Examination

Slide 10: Anogenital Examination

Slide 11: Conclusion

Slide 12: References

This is just a sample outline, and you can add or remove slides as needed. You can also include images, diagrams, and charts to make the presentation more engaging and informative.