Tag a senate without order

A "tag" in the Senate is a parliamentary procedure used to interrupt a senator who is speaking and prevent them from continuing to speak. When a senator is tagged, they are required to yield the floor and allow another senator to speak.

Here's how it works:

  1. A senator who wants to speak rises from their seat and says "I rise to a question of privilege" or "I rise to a point of order."
  2. The presiding officer (usually the Vice President of the United States) recognizes the senator and asks them to state their point.
  3. The senator making the point of order or question of privilege states their concern, which is usually related to the rules of the Senate or the conduct of a senator.
  4. The presiding officer rules on the point of order or question of privilege, and if they find in favor of the senator making the point, they may sustain the senator's objection and prevent the senator who was speaking from continuing.
  5. If the presiding officer rules against the senator making the point of order or question of privilege, the senator who was speaking is allowed to continue.

Here's an example of how a tag might work:

Senator Smith is speaking on the floor of the Senate and is discussing a bill. Senator Johnson rises from her seat and says, "I rise to a point of order. Senator Smith is speaking out of order because she is not following the rules of the Senate."

The presiding officer recognizes Senator Johnson and asks her to state her point. Senator Johnson explains that Senator Smith is not following the rules because she is not yielding the floor to other senators.

The presiding officer rules in favor of Senator Johnson and sustains her point of order. Senator Smith is required to yield the floor, and Senator Johnson is allowed to speak next.

It's worth noting that a tag is different from a "filibuster," which is a tactic used by a senator to delay or block a vote by speaking at length on the floor. A tag is used to interrupt a senator who is speaking and prevent them from continuing, whereas a filibuster is used to prevent a vote from occurring in the first place.