United nations recent news

Here are some recent news updates from the United Nations:

Recent News

  1. COVID-19 Response: The UN has launched a global appeal for $10 billion to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected over 200 million people worldwide. (Source: UN News)
  2. Climate Change: The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has warned that the world is running out of time to address climate change, and that immediate action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. (Source: UN News)
  3. Refugee Crisis: The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has called for increased support for refugees and asylum-seekers, who are facing unprecedented challenges due to conflicts, climate change, and economic crises. (Source: UNHCR)
  4. Sustainable Development Goals: The UN has launched a new report highlighting progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. (Source: UN News)
  5. Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: The UN has warned of a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where millions of people are at risk of famine, disease, and displacement due to the ongoing conflict. (Source: UN News)
  6. Global Food Security: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned that the world is facing a food security crisis, with over 820 million people suffering from hunger worldwide. (Source: FAO)
  7. Disaster Risk Reduction: The UN has launched a new report highlighting the need for increased investment in disaster risk reduction and management, to protect communities from natural disasters and climate-related events. (Source: UNDRR)
  8. Women's Empowerment: The UN has launched a new initiative to promote women's empowerment and gender equality, with a focus on economic empowerment, political participation, and ending violence against women. (Source: UN Women)
  9. Migration and Refugees: The UN has launched a new report highlighting the need for a more humane and sustainable approach to migration and refugee crises, with a focus on protecting the rights of migrants and refugees. (Source: UNHCR)
  10. Global Health: The UN has launched a new report highlighting the need for increased investment in global health, with a focus on addressing infectious diseases, mental health, and health systems strengthening. (Source: WHO)

Recent Statements and Speeches

  1. UN Secretary-General's Statement on Climate Change: António Guterres has warned that the world is running out of time to address climate change, and that immediate action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. (Source: UN News)
  2. UN High Commissioner for Refugees' Statement on Refugee Crisis: Filippo Grandi has called for increased support for refugees and asylum-seekers, who are facing unprecedented challenges due to conflicts, climate change, and economic crises. (Source: UNHCR)
  3. UN General Assembly President's Statement on Sustainable Development: Tijjani Muhammad-Bande has highlighted the importance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and has called for increased international cooperation to address global challenges. (Source: UN News)

Recent Events

  1. UN Climate Action Summit: The UN Climate Action Summit was held on September 23, 2019, and brought together world leaders to discuss climate change and the need for urgent action. (Source: UN News)
  2. UN General Assembly: The 74th session of the UN General Assembly was held from September 17 to October 1, 2019, and featured speeches from world leaders on a range of global issues. (Source: UN News)
  3. UN Human Rights Council: The 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council was held from June 24 to July 12, 2019, and featured discussions on a range of human rights issues, including climate change, migration, and gender equality. (Source: OHCHR)

I hope this information is helpful!