Syria turkey news

Here are some recent news articles and updates on Syria and Turkey:


  1. Syrian government forces capture key town in Idlib province: Syrian government forces have captured the town of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib province, a key stronghold of the opposition, according to reports. (Al Jazeera, March 12)
  2. Syria's economy in shambles: The Syrian economy is in a state of collapse, with inflation soaring and the value of the Syrian pound plummeting. (The New York Times, March 10)
  3. Syrian refugees in Lebanon face harsh conditions: Syrian refugees in Lebanon are facing harsh conditions, including poverty, lack of access to healthcare and education, and limited job opportunities. (The Guardian, March 8)


  1. Turkey launches military operation in northeast Syria: Turkey has launched a military operation in northeast Syria, targeting Kurdish-led forces that it considers to be terrorists. (BBC News, March 12)
  2. Turkey's economy struggles to recover: Turkey's economy is struggling to recover from a currency crisis and recession, with inflation soaring and unemployment rising. (The Financial Times, March 10)
  3. Turkey's president Erdogan visits Russia: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Russia, where he met with President Vladimir Putin to discuss issues including Syria and the conflict in Ukraine. (Reuters, March 5)

Syria-Turkey relations:

  1. Turkey and Russia agree on ceasefire in Idlib: Turkey and Russia have agreed on a ceasefire in Idlib province, which has been the site of intense fighting between Syrian government forces and Turkish-backed rebels. (Al Jazeera, March 6)
  2. Turkey and Syria exchange fire along border: Turkey and Syria have exchanged fire along their border, with both sides accusing each other of violating a ceasefire agreement. (The New York Times, March 4)
  3. Turkey's military presence in Syria sparks tensions: Turkey's military presence in Syria has sparked tensions with the Syrian government and its allies, including Russia and Iran. (The Guardian, March 3)