Robert mugabe current news

Robert Mugabe, the former President of Zimbabwe, passed away on September 6, 2019, at the age of 95. Since his death, there have been no significant news updates about him. However, here are a few recent news articles and updates about Mugabe's legacy and the current situation in Zimbabwe:

  1. Mugabe's legacy: In the months following his death, there have been ongoing debates about Mugabe's legacy. Some have praised his role in Zimbabwe's independence movement and his early efforts to redistribute land to black farmers. Others have criticized his authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, and economic mismanagement.
  2. Zimbabwe's economic crisis: Zimbabwe is currently facing a severe economic crisis, with high inflation, shortages of basic goods, and widespread unemployment. The country's economy has been in decline since the early 2000s, and Mugabe's rule was marked by corruption, mismanagement, and a decline in living standards.
  3. Post-Mugabe era: Since Mugabe's departure from power in 2017, Zimbabwe has been led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former ally of Mugabe. Mnangagwa has promised to reform the economy and improve living standards, but progress has been slow.
  4. Mugabe's family: Mugabe's family has been involved in various controversies and disputes since his death. His wife, Grace Mugabe, has been accused of embezzling funds meant for the country's education system. His children have also been involved in business deals and have faced criticism for their alleged corruption.
  5. Mugabe's burial: Mugabe was buried at his rural home in Kutama, Zimbabwe, in December 2019. The burial was attended by thousands of mourners, including government officials and opposition leaders.

Some recent news articles about Mugabe and Zimbabwe include:

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation in Zimbabwe or the views of the Mugabe family.