Sultan charges parents on children education #comments

Here are some possible comments on the topic "Sultan charges parents on children's education":

Comment 1 "I completely agree with the Sultan's words. As a parent, it's our responsibility to provide the best education for our children. We should not compromise on their future just because of financial constraints."

Comment 2 "I think the Sultan is being too harsh. Not all parents have the means to afford private schools and tuition fees. The government should provide more support to public schools and make education more accessible to all."

Comment 3 "I'm a parent myself and I can attest that the Sultan's words are true. My child's education is my top priority and I'm willing to make sacrifices to ensure they get the best education possible. It's a parent's duty to provide for their child's future."

Comment 4 "I disagree with the Sultan's statement. Education should be free and accessible to all, regardless of financial status. The government should prioritize education and make it a fundamental right, not a privilege for the wealthy."

Comment 5 "I think the Sultan is being realistic. The cost of education is rising and parents need to take responsibility for their child's education. We can't rely on the government to provide everything for us. We need to take initiative and make sacrifices for our children's future."

Comment 6 "I'm a teacher and I've seen firsthand the impact of poor education on children's lives. The Sultan is right, parents need to take a more active role in their child's education. We need to work together to provide the best possible education for our children."

Comment 7 "I think the Sultan's words are a wake-up call for parents. We need to stop taking our children's education for granted and start taking responsibility for their future. It's time for us to step up and provide the best possible education for our children."

Comment 8 "I'm a student myself and I can attest that the Sultan's words are true. My parents have sacrificed a lot for my education and I'm grateful for that. Education is the key to a better future and we should all prioritize it."

These are just some possible comments on the topic. There may be many other perspectives and opinions on the matter.