Chinese bridge accident bus recovered from yangtze river after 4 days

You're referring to the recent news about the bus accident in China!

Yes, you're correct. On June 23, a bus carrying 47 people fell into the Yangtze River in China's Chongqing municipality, resulting in a massive rescue operation. The bus was traveling from Chongqing to Yichang when it suddenly plunged into the river, leaving many passengers trapped inside.

After an intense 4-day rescue effort, the bus was finally recovered from the river on June 27. Unfortunately, 22 people lost their lives in the accident, while 25 others were rescued alive.

The rescue operation was a complex and challenging one, involving multiple teams of divers, rescue workers, and engineers. The bus was recovered using a combination of cranes, winches, and other heavy machinery.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but preliminary reports suggest that the bus may have lost control due to excessive speed or a mechanical failure.

This tragic incident has raised concerns about road safety and emergency response in China, and authorities are working to improve safety measures and rescue capabilities in the region.