Stop releasing of toxic waste into sea rivers host communities tell spdc

A very important and timely topic!


Dear Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC),

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern and outrage over the continued release of toxic waste into our seas, rivers, and host communities. As a responsible corporate entity, we expect SPDC to take immediate and concrete actions to address this environmental and health crisis.

The release of toxic waste, including oil spills, gas flares, and chemical pollutants, has devastating consequences for our environment, health, and livelihoods. The affected communities, including fishermen, farmers, and residents, are already struggling to make ends meet, and the pollution is exacerbating their plight.

We demand that SPDC:

  1. Immediately stops the release of toxic waste into our seas, rivers, and host communities.
  2. Conducts a thorough investigation into the causes of the pollution and takes responsibility for the harm caused.
  3. Provides adequate compensation to affected communities for the damage caused by the pollution.
  4. Develops and implements effective measures to prevent future pollution incidents.
  5. Engages in transparent and inclusive consultations with affected communities to ensure their concerns are heard and addressed.

We also urge the Nigerian government to:

  1. Strengthen regulations to prevent and respond to environmental pollution.
  2. Hold SPDC accountable for its environmental and social responsibilities.
  3. Provide support to affected communities to mitigate the impacts of pollution.

We believe that it is the responsibility of SPDC, as a responsible corporate entity, to prioritize the well-being of our environment and communities. We expect immediate action to address this crisis and prevent further harm.

Join us in demanding action from SPDC and the Nigerian government to protect our environment and communities!

Sign this petition to show your support and demand action from SPDC and the Nigerian government.

Together, we can make a difference and create a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future for all!