Spicer attacks double standard in response to wikileaks dump

Here's a possible response from Sean Spicer, the former White House Press Secretary, in response to the WikiLeaks dump:

"Look, I think it's rich that the media is suddenly concerned about the release of classified information when they've been doing it for years. I mean, let's be real, folks. The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN - they've all been publishing classified information for years, and nobody bats an eye.

"But now, suddenly, because WikiLeaks has released some information, everyone's up in arms. It's a double standard, plain and simple. The media has been playing by a different set of rules for years, and it's time we call them out on it.

"I mean, what's the difference between a journalist publishing classified information and a whistleblower doing the same thing? Is it just because the whistleblower is a foreign entity? Is it because the media doesn't like the message that's being sent?

"I think it's time we take a step back and look at the bigger picture here. The real issue isn't the release of classified information - it's the fact that the media has been complicit in this game of cat and mouse for years. They've been playing both sides against each other, and now they're trying to act like they're the victims.

"Well, let me tell you, folks, I'm not buying it. The media has been playing with fire for years, and now they're getting burned. And you know what? I think it's about time."

This response is fictional and does not reflect the actual views or opinions of Sean Spicer or any other individual.