Soweto derby kaizer chiefs middendorp labels orlando pirates psl title talk as nonsense

It seems like you're referring to the Soweto Derby between Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates in the South African Premier Soccer League (PSL). Ernst Middendorp is the former coach of Kaizer Chiefs, and there's been some controversy surrounding his comments about the derby.

To summarize, Middendorp was quoted as saying that the Soweto Derby is "nonsense" and that it's not a big deal. This sparked a lot of backlash from fans and the media, with many accusing him of being out of touch with the reality of the derby's importance to the teams and their supporters.

The Soweto Derby is one of the most highly anticipated and intense matches in South African football, with the two teams having a long-standing rivalry that dates back to the apartheid era. The derby is often seen as a symbol of the struggle for equality and freedom, with the two teams representing different aspects of the city's history and culture.

Middendorp's comments were seen as insensitive and dismissive of the derby's significance, and many fans felt that he was trying to downplay the importance of the match. The incident sparked a lot of debate and discussion about the role of coaches and players in the PSL, and the importance of respecting the history and culture of the game.

In the end, Middendorp's comments were widely criticized, and he was eventually sacked by Kaizer Chiefs. The Soweto Derby continues to be one of the most intense and highly anticipated matches in South African football, and it's clear that the rivalry between Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates will continue to be a major part of the PSL for years to come.