New akarigbo of remo

You're referring to the recent appointment of a new Akarigbo of Remo!

For those who may not know, the Akarigbo is the traditional ruler of the Remo kingdom, which is a prominent ethnic group in Ogun State, Nigeria. The title is held by the paramount ruler of the Remo people, who is responsible for maintaining the cultural heritage and traditions of the community.

According to reports, the new Akarigbo of Remo is Prince Adeniyi Salami, who was appointed by the Remo Traditional Council. Prince Salami is a descendant of the royal family and has been involved in various community development initiatives.

The appointment of a new Akarigbo is significant, as it marks a new era of leadership for the Remo people. The new Akarigbo is expected to work towards promoting the cultural and economic development of the community, as well as maintaining the traditional values and customs of the Remo people.

I hope this information is helpful! Do you have any specific questions about the new Akarigbo or the Remo kingdom?