Sources of news in journalism

In journalism, sources of news can be categorized into several types, including:

  1. Primary sources: These are original documents, records, or statements that provide firsthand information about a news story. Examples include:
    • Government reports and statistics
    • Court documents and transcripts
    • Interviews with individuals directly involved in the story
    • Original research and data
  2. Secondary sources: These are reports, articles, or analyses that summarize or interpret primary sources. Examples include:
    • News articles and editorials
    • Research papers and academic studies
    • Government press releases and statements
    • Online news aggregators and wire services
  3. Tertiary sources: These are summaries or compilations of secondary sources. Examples include:
    • News summaries and digests
    • Online news aggregators and wire services
    • News databases and archives
  4. Human sources: These are individuals who provide information, insights, or perspectives on a news story. Examples include:
    • Experts and authorities in a particular field
    • Witnesses to an event or incident
    • Government officials and policymakers
    • Ordinary people affected by a news story
  5. Organizational sources: These are institutions, organizations, or companies that provide information or context about a news story. Examples include:
    • Government agencies and departments
    • Non-profit organizations and advocacy groups
    • Businesses and corporations
    • Educational institutions and research centers
  6. Digital sources: These are online platforms, databases, and tools that provide news and information. Examples include:
    • Online news websites and blogs
    • Social media platforms and online forums
    • Online databases and archives
    • News aggregators and wire services
  7. Audio and video sources: These are recordings, broadcasts, or streaming media that provide news and information. Examples include:
    • Podcasts and online radio shows
    • Television news programs and broadcasts
    • Online video platforms and streaming services
    • Audio and video recordings of events and interviews
  8. Government sources: These are official government documents, reports, and statements that provide information about a news story. Examples include:
    • Government reports and statistics
    • Congressional testimony and hearings
    • Executive branch statements and press releases
    • Government databases and archives
  9. International sources: These are news and information from outside the journalist's country or region. Examples include:
    • International news agencies and wire services
    • Foreign government sources and reports
    • International organizations and institutions
    • Online news sources from other countries and regions
  10. Historical sources: These are documents, records, and archives that provide context and background information about a news story. Examples include:
    • Historical documents and records
    • Archives and libraries
    • Oral histories and interviews
    • Historical research and analysis

Journalists often use a combination of these sources to gather information and verify facts about a news story.