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Here are the latest news stories from NPR:

Top Stories

  1. Biden Administration Announces New COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: The White House is requiring all federal employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and is also mandating that all federal contractors do the same. (Source: NPR)
  2. Taliban Take Control of Kabul as U.S. Withdraws: The Taliban has taken control of the capital city of Kabul, Afghanistan, as the U.S. military completes its withdrawal from the country. (Source: NPR)
  3. FBI Investigates Threats Against School Boards: The FBI is investigating a surge in threats against school boards and administrators across the country, amid a national debate over mask mandates and COVID-19 protocols. (Source: NPR)

National News

  1. Supreme Court to Hear Case on Voting Rights Act: The Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could weaken the Voting Rights Act, a landmark civil rights law that has protected the voting rights of minority communities for decades. (Source: NPR)
  2. House Passes Bill to Address Gun Violence: The House of Representatives has passed a bill aimed at addressing gun violence, including expanded background checks and red flag laws. (Source: NPR)
  3. FBI Investigates Mysterious Attacks on U.S. Officials: The FBI is investigating a series of mysterious attacks on U.S. officials, including a recent incident in which a State Department employee was attacked in a parking garage. (Source: NPR)

International News

  1. Taliban Take Control of Key Afghan City: The Taliban has taken control of the key city of Kandahar, Afghanistan, as the U.S. military completes its withdrawal from the country. (Source: NPR)
  2. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Under Pressure: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing growing pressure to resign over allegations of misconduct and a series of scandals. (Source: NPR)
  3. China and Taiwan Engage in Military Drills: China and Taiwan are engaging in military drills, amid rising tensions between the two sides over Taiwan's independence. (Source: NPR)

Business and Economy

  1. Stock Market Rises as Inflation Concerns Ease: The stock market rose on Friday as concerns about inflation eased, following a report that showed a slowdown in price increases. (Source: NPR)
  2. Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest Level in 18 Months: The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to its lowest level in 18 months, a sign that the labor market is recovering from the pandemic. (Source: NPR)
  3. Fed Chair Jerome Powell Testifies on Economy: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell testified before Congress on the state of the economy, saying that the recovery is "uneven" and that the Fed is prepared to take action if inflation rises too quickly. (Source: NPR)

Science and Technology

  1. NASA's Perseverance Rover Discovers Evidence of Ancient Lake on Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life billions of years ago. (Source: NPR)
  2. New Study Finds Link Between Climate Change and Mental Health: A new study has found a link between climate change and mental health, with researchers concluding that the psychological impacts of climate change are "far-reaching" and "devastating". (Source: NPR)
  3. Google Announces New AI Technology: Google has announced a new AI technology that can generate human-like text, which could have significant implications for fields such as journalism and education. (Source: NPR)