Something new something old something borrowed something blue meaning

A classic!

"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" is a traditional rhyme that is often recited by brides on their wedding day. Each phrase is meant to symbolize a different aspect of marriage and is often incorporated into wedding traditions and rituals.

Here's what each phrase typically represents:

  1. Something old: This represents continuity and a connection to the past. It's often a family heirloom, a piece of jewelry, or a sentimental item that has been passed down through generations.
  2. Something new: This represents the new beginning and the fresh start that marriage brings. It's often a gift or a token that represents the couple's future together.
  3. Something borrowed: This represents the idea of borrowing happiness, luck, or love from someone who is already married. It's often a borrowed item, such as a piece of jewelry or a handkerchief, that is returned after the wedding.
  4. Something blue: This represents fidelity, loyalty, and purity. Blue is often associated with these qualities, and the phrase is thought to bring good luck to the marriage.

The rhyme is often recited during the wedding ceremony, and the items themselves are often incorporated into the ceremony or worn by the bride on her wedding day.