Snake news

Ssssso, you want to stay up-to-date on the latest snake news? Here are some recent stories that might interest you:

  1. New species of venomous snake discovered in India: Scientists have identified a new species of venomous snake, the "Himalayan pit viper" (Gloydius himalayanus), found in the Himalayan region of India. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Snake population booming in Australia: A recent study found that the population of snakes in Australia is increasing, with some species experiencing a 50% growth rate over the past decade. (Source: ABC News)
  3. Snake venom could lead to new cancer treatments: Researchers have discovered that a protein found in snake venom has the potential to be used as a treatment for certain types of cancer. (Source: Science Daily)
  4. Snake conservation efforts pay off in the Amazon: A conservation project in the Amazon rainforest has helped to increase the population of a critically endangered species of snake, the "yellow-bellied sea snake" (Pelamis platura). (Source: National Geographic)
  5. Snake handling laws tightened in the US: In response to a recent increase in snake-related injuries and deaths, some US states are tightening laws regarding the handling and ownership of snakes. (Source: CNN)
  6. Snake species found in unexpected places: Scientists have discovered new species of snakes in unexpected places, such as the "desert-dwelling" (Chionactis occipitalis) and the "rainforest-dwelling" (Epicrates cenchria). (Source: BBC News)
  7. Snake venom used to develop new painkillers: Researchers have developed a new painkiller inspired by the venom of the "inland taipan" (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), one of the world's most venomous snakes. (Source: The Conversation)

Stay ssssstepped up on the latest snake news with these stories!