Creative news logo

Here are some creative news logo ideas:

  1. Breaking News Beacon: A stylized lightbulb with a breaking news headline incorporated into the design.

[Image description: A lightbulb with a bold, red font reading "BREAKING NEWS" in the center.]

  1. The Daily Dash: A playful logo featuring a stylized newspaper with a dash or exclamation mark incorporated into the design.

[Image description: A stylized newspaper with a bold, red dash or exclamation mark running through the center.]

  1. NewsWave: A wavy design element that evokes the idea of news spreading quickly.

[Image description: A stylized wave with a bold, blue font reading "NEWSWAVE" in the center.]

  1. The Scoop: A logo that incorporates a magnifying glass or a scoop to represent digging up the latest news.

[Image description: A stylized magnifying glass with a bold, red font reading "THE SCOOP" in the center.]

  1. Headline Hero: A superhero-inspired logo featuring a stylized headline as the hero's cape.

[Image description: A stylized headline with a bold, blue font reading "HEADLINE HERO" in the center, with a cape flowing behind it.]

  1. The News Network: A stylized globe with a network of lines or connections to represent the global reach of the news.

[Image description: A stylized globe with a network of bold, blue lines connecting different parts of the globe.]

  1. The Daily Dish: A playful logo featuring a stylized plate or dish with a scoop or spoon to represent serving up the latest news.

[Image description: A stylized plate or dish with a bold, red font reading "THE DAILY DISH" in the center, with a scoop or spoon incorporated into the design.]

  1. News Navigator: A logo that incorporates a compass or navigation symbol to represent guiding readers through the latest news.

[Image description: A stylized compass with a bold, blue font reading "NEWS NAVIGATOR" in the center.]

  1. The News Hub: A stylized hub or center with spokes or lines radiating out to represent the central location of the news.

[Image description: A stylized hub or center with bold, blue lines radiating out in all directions.]

  1. The Daily Brief: A logo that incorporates a stylized briefcase or folder to represent delivering the latest news in a concise and timely manner.

[Image description: A stylized briefcase or folder with a bold, red font reading "THE DAILY BRIEF" in the center.]

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to choose a logo that reflects your brand's values and tone, and that resonates with your target audience.