Snake chases ondo lawmakers out of assembly

It seems like you're referring to a recent incident in Nigeria. According to reports, a snake was spotted in the Ondo State House of Assembly, causing lawmakers to flee in panic.

Here's a brief summary of the incident:

On Tuesday, February 22, 2023, a snake was seen slithering around the floor of the Ondo State House of Assembly, causing chaos and panic among the lawmakers. The incident occurred during a plenary session, and the lawmakers were forced to abandon their seats and flee the chamber.

The snake, reportedly a non-venomous species, was said to have entered the assembly through a ventilation shaft. The lawmakers were said to have been in a meeting when they noticed the snake and immediately alerted the security personnel.

The incident led to a brief adjournment of the session, and the lawmakers were later evacuated from the premises. The snake was eventually caught and removed from the assembly.

This unusual incident has sparked reactions from Nigerians, with many taking to social media to share their thoughts and jokes about the situation. Some have even joked that the snake was a sign of the "end times" or a "curse" on the assembly.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time a snake has been spotted in a public place in Nigeria. In 2020, a snake was seen in a church in Lagos, causing a commotion among worshippers.

I hope this summary helps!