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Headline: "New Study Reveals Alarming Rise in Cyberattacks on Small Businesses"

Date: March 10, 2023

By: Emily J. Miller, Technology Reporter

A recent study by cybersecurity firm, Cybersecurity Ventures, has found that small businesses are increasingly becoming the target of cyberattacks, with a staggering 43% of small businesses experiencing a data breach in the past year alone.

The study, which surveyed over 1,000 small business owners and IT professionals, revealed that the majority of these attacks were carried out by hackers seeking financial gain, with 71% of respondents reporting that their business had been targeted by phishing emails or malware.

The findings are particularly concerning given the devastating impact that a cyberattack can have on a small business. According to the study, the average cost of a data breach for a small business is $84,000, with some businesses facing losses of up to $250,000 or more.

"It's alarming to see the rise in cyberattacks on small businesses," said John Smith, CEO of Cybersecurity Ventures. "These businesses are often the backbone of their communities, and it's crucial that they take steps to protect themselves from these threats."

The study also found that many small businesses are not taking adequate measures to protect themselves from cyberattacks. Only 22% of respondents reported having a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place, and 45% said they had not conducted a cybersecurity risk assessment in the past year.

To combat the growing threat of cyberattacks, Cybersecurity Ventures is urging small businesses to take the following steps:

The full study can be accessed on the Cybersecurity Ventures website.


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