Sms for new friend girl

Here are some SMS ideas for a new friend girl:

Casual and Friendly

  1. "Hey, how's your day going?"
  2. "Just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing"
  3. "What's new with you?"
  4. "I hope you're having a great day"
  5. "Just thought I'd check in and see if you're free to hang out sometime"

Light and Humorous

  1. "Hey, I just saw the funniest meme and thought of you"
  2. "I'm so glad we're friends, you're the best"
  3. "I just ate the best [food] and I had to share with you"
  4. "I'm having a crazy day, but thinking of you made me smile"
  5. "I just saw a movie and I think you'd love it"

Inquiring and Supportive

  1. "How was your weekend? Do anything fun?"
  2. "I hope everything is going okay, you're on my mind"
  3. "I saw your post about [topic] and I had to reach out"
  4. "I'm here for you if you need to talk about anything"
  5. "How's your [project/study/work] going? I'm rooting for you"

Playful and Flirty

  1. "Hey, want to grab coffee and catch up?"
  2. "I just saw a cute [animal] and thought of you"
  3. "I'm so glad we're friends, you're my favorite"
  4. "I just tried [new food] and I think you'd love it"
  5. "I'm having a movie night and I'd love for you to join"

Remember to keep your messages light and friendly, especially when you're just getting to know someone. You can always adjust the tone and content based on your friend's personality and your relationship with her.