Smollett news

You're referring to the Jussie Smollett case. Here's a summary of the latest news:

Background: Jussie Smollett, a 39-year-old actor and singer, was a star of the TV show "Empire." In January 2019, he reported to the Chicago Police Department that he was the victim of a hate crime, alleging that two masked men attacked him, poured bleach on him, and tied a noose around his neck while shouting racist and homophobic slurs.

Investigation: The Chicago Police Department launched an investigation, which initially focused on Smollett as the victim. However, as the investigation progressed, detectives began to suspect that Smollett may have staged the attack. In February 2019, the police announced that they had identified two brothers, Olabinjo and Abimbola Osundairo, as "persons of interest" in the case.

Charges and trial: In March 2019, Smollett was charged with felony disorderly conduct for allegedly filing a false police report. In April 2019, the Osundairo brothers were arrested and charged with the same crime for allegedly helping Smollett stage the attack. In March 2020, Smollett's trial began, and in December 2020, a jury acquitted him of all charges.

Aftermath: The case sparked widespread outrage and debate, with many criticizing Smollett for allegedly lying about the attack and wasting police resources. The incident also led to a backlash against Smollett in the entertainment industry, with some of his colleagues and fans expressing disappointment and anger.

Recent developments: In February 2022, the City of Chicago filed a lawsuit against Smollett, seeking to recover the costs of the investigation and police response. The lawsuit alleges that Smollett's false report caused the city to incur significant expenses and damage to its reputation. Smollett has denied any wrongdoing and has vowed to fight the lawsuit.

Impact on Smollett's career: The controversy has had a significant impact on Smollett's career, with many of his projects and collaborations being put on hold or canceled. In 2020, he was dropped from the TV show "Empire" and has since struggled to find new work.

Overall, the Jussie Smollett case remains a highly controversial and divisive issue, with many questions still surrounding the events of that night and the motivations behind Smollett's actions.