Father prayers for new born baby

Here are some beautiful prayers that a father can say for his newborn baby:

Prayer for Protection

Dear God, I bring my precious newborn baby to you, asking for your protection and guidance. Keep them safe from harm and evil, and surround them with your loving care. May they grow up to be strong and courageous, with a heart that is pure and true. Amen.

Prayer for Wisdom

Dear God, I pray that you give my child the wisdom to navigate the challenges of life. May they make wise decisions, and may their heart be filled with your wisdom and guidance. Help them to discern right from wrong, and may they always choose the path that is pleasing to you. Amen.

Prayer for Blessings

Dear God, I thank you for the precious gift of my child. I pray that you bless them with good health, happiness, and prosperity. May they grow up to be a blessing to others, and may their life be filled with joy and purpose. Amen.

Prayer for Guidance

Dear God, I pray that you guide my child as they grow and develop. May they always know your presence in their life, and may they seek your guidance and wisdom in all they do. Help them to make good choices, and may they always follow your will. Amen.

Prayer for Love

Dear God, I pray that you fill my child's heart with love for you and for others. May they learn to love unconditionally, and may their love be a reflection of your love for them. Help them to be kind, compassionate, and generous, and may they always show love and respect to those around them. Amen.

Prayer for Strength

Dear God, I pray that you give my child the strength they need to face the challenges of life. May they be strong in body, mind, and spirit, and may they always know that you are with them, guiding and supporting them. Help them to persevere through difficult times, and may they always trust in your goodness and love. Amen.

Prayer for a Strong Relationship

Dear God, I pray that you help me to be a good father to my child, and that we may have a strong and loving relationship. May I be a positive influence in their life, and may they always know that I am here for them. Help us to communicate effectively, and may we always show love and respect to each other. Amen.

Remember, these prayers are just a starting point, and you can always add your own personal thoughts and feelings to make them more meaningful.