Singer blessingtangban recounts how she rescued an accident victim despite being rejected by two hospitals in abuja swipe

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Singer Blessing Tangban Recounts How She Rescued an Accident Victim Despite Being Rejected by Two Hospitals in Abuja

Nigerian singer, Blessing Tangban, has taken to social media to share a heartwarming story of how she rescued an accident victim despite being rejected by two hospitals in Abuja.

According to Blessing, she was driving home from a concert when she saw a terrible accident involving a motorcycle and a car. The victim, a young man, was lying on the ground, badly injured. Without hesitation, Blessing rushed to his side and called for help.

However, when she arrived at the first hospital she was directed to, the doctors refused to attend to the victim, citing lack of resources and equipment. Undeterred, Blessing took the victim to another hospital, only to be rejected again.

Feeling helpless and frustrated, Blessing decided to take matters into her own hands. She used her own money to take the victim to a private hospital, where he received the medical attention he needed.

In a post on her Instagram page, Blessing shared the story, saying: "I was driving home from a concert when I saw a terrible accident. The guy was badly injured and I knew I had to help. I took him to two hospitals in Abuja, but they both rejected him, saying they didn't have the resources to treat him. I was so frustrated and helpless, but I knew I couldn't just leave him there. So, I used my own money to take him to a private hospital, where he received the medical attention he needed. It's been a long and difficult journey, but I'm so grateful that he's recovering well. This experience has taught me the importance of compassion and kindness, and I hope it inspires others to do the same."

Blessing's selfless act has earned her praise and admiration from her fans and followers, who are hailing her as a true hero.