Sickle cell news

Here are some recent news articles and updates related to sickle cell disease:

Research and Treatment Advances

  1. Gene therapy shows promise: A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a gene therapy treatment was able to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of sickle cell crises in patients. (Source: NEJM, 2022)
  2. New treatment options: Researchers have been exploring new treatment options, including gene editing therapies and stem cell transplantation, to improve outcomes for patients with sickle cell disease. (Source: ScienceDaily, 2022)
  3. CRISPR therapy shows promise: A study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that CRISPR gene editing therapy was able to correct the genetic mutation that causes sickle cell disease in human cells. (Source: Nature Medicine, 2022)

Awareness and Advocacy

  1. Sickle Cell Awareness Month: September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month, with organizations and individuals around the world raising awareness about the disease and its impact on patients and families. (Source: Sickle Cell Disease Association of America)
  2. Advocacy efforts: The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America and other organizations are working to raise awareness and advocate for increased funding and research for sickle cell disease. (Source: Sickle Cell Disease Association of America)
  3. Patient stories: Patients and families affected by sickle cell disease are sharing their stories and experiences to raise awareness and promote understanding of the disease. (Source: Sickle Cell Warriors)

Clinical Trials and Studies

  1. Clinical trial for gene therapy: A clinical trial is underway to test a gene therapy treatment for sickle cell disease. The trial is being conducted at several sites in the United States and is expected to enroll up to 100 patients. (Source:
  2. Study on hydroxyurea: Researchers are conducting a study to investigate the use of hydroxyurea, a medication commonly used to treat sickle cell disease, in patients with severe disease. (Source:
  3. International collaboration: Researchers from around the world are collaborating on a study to better understand the genetic causes of sickle cell disease and to develop new treatments. (Source: ScienceDaily, 2022)

Other News

  1. Sickle cell disease affects millions: Sickle cell disease affects millions of people worldwide, with the majority of cases occurring in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. (Source: World Health Organization)
  2. Increased funding needed: Organizations and researchers are calling for increased funding to support research and treatment for sickle cell disease, which is often underfunded compared to other diseases. (Source: Sickle Cell Disease Association of America)
  3. Patient education and support: Patients and families affected by sickle cell disease are emphasizing the importance of patient education and support, including access to healthcare providers and resources. (Source: Sickle Cell Warriors)

I hope this information is helpful!