Sex news live

There are many ways to stay up-to-date with the latest sex news and trends. Here are a few options:

  1. Sex News Websites:
    • The Sex News Network: A comprehensive website that aggregates sex news from around the world.
    • A website that provides news, articles, and resources on sexuality and relationships.
    • The Daily Beast's Sex Section: A section of the popular news website that covers sex and relationships.
  2. Sex Podcasts:
    • The Sex Podcast: A podcast that covers a wide range of sex-related topics, from relationships to sexuality.
    • Sex with Emily: A podcast that explores sex, relationships, and intimacy.
    • The Sexual Health Podcast: A podcast that focuses on sexual health and wellness.
  3. Social Media:
    • Follow sex educators, sex therapists, and sex researchers on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
    • Join sex-related groups and communities on Facebook and Reddit.
  4. Sex Newsletters:
    • The Sex Newsletter: A weekly newsletter that summarizes the latest sex news and trends.
    • The Sexual Health Newsletter: A monthly newsletter that provides updates on sexual health and wellness.

Some recent sex news stories that you might find interesting: