Sermon on speed breakers

Here's a sermon on speed breakers:

Title: "Breaking the Speed of Life: A Call to Slow Down"

Text: Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus walking on water)


As we drive through our daily lives, we often find ourselves speeding along, trying to get from one place to another as quickly as possible. We're constantly connected to our devices, checking our emails, social media, and texts, and we're always on the go. But in our haste, we often forget to slow down and take a moment to reflect on our lives.

That's why today, I want to talk to you about speed breakers. Not the physical kind that we find on our roads, but the spiritual kind that can help us slow down and refocus on what's truly important.

The Problem of Speed:

In our fast-paced world, we're constantly bombarded with distractions and demands on our time. We're expected to be productive, efficient, and always "on." But this pace of life can be exhausting, and it can lead to burnout, stress, and anxiety.

As we speed through our days, we often lose sight of what's truly important. We forget to appreciate the beauty around us, to connect with others, and to take care of ourselves. We become like the disciples in today's Gospel reading, who were so focused on their own needs and desires that they forgot to notice Jesus walking towards them on the water.

The Solution of Speed Breakers:

But Jesus didn't just walk on water; he also invited the disciples to get out of the boat and join him. And when they did, they experienced a sense of peace and calm that they had never known before.

In the same way, we need to slow down and take a break from the speed of life. We need to create space for reflection, prayer, and connection with others. We need to put the brakes on our busy lives and take a moment to appreciate the beauty around us.

That's where speed breakers come in. They're not just physical obstacles that slow us down; they're also spiritual reminders to slow down and refocus on what's truly important.

The Benefits of Speed Breakers:

When we slow down and take a break from the speed of life, we experience a range of benefits. We become more present and mindful, more aware of our thoughts and emotions. We become more compassionate and empathetic, more able to connect with others. And we become more grateful and appreciative, more able to see the beauty around us.

In short, speed breakers help us to break free from the cycle of busyness and stress, and to experience a sense of peace and calm that we've never known before.


So the next time you're driving along, and you come across a speed breaker, don't just see it as an obstacle to be overcome. See it as an opportunity to slow down, to reflect, and to refocus on what's truly important.

And when you're tempted to speed through your daily life, remember that Jesus is always walking towards you, inviting you to get out of the boat and join him. Take a deep breath, put the brakes on your busy life, and experience the peace and calm that comes from slowing down.


Dear Lord, help us to slow down and take a break from the speed of life. Help us to create space for reflection, prayer, and connection with others. Help us to put the brakes on our busy lives and take a moment to appreciate the beauty around us. And help us to experience the peace and calm that comes from slowing down. Amen.