Sassa r350 grant appeal are delayed sassa explains

The Sassa R350 grant appeal process has been delayed, and Sassa (South African Social Security Agency) has issued a statement explaining the reason for the delay.

According to Sassa, the delay is due to a technical issue with the online appeal system, which has caused a backlog of appeals. The agency has been working to resolve the issue, but it has taken longer than expected.

Sassa has apologized for the inconvenience caused by the delay and has assured applicants that they will be notified once their appeals have been processed.

In the meantime, Sassa has provided the following guidance for applicants who have already submitted their appeals:

Sassa has also provided the following tips for applicants who are waiting for their appeals to be processed:

It's worth noting that Sassa has also announced that it will be increasing the number of staff working on the appeal process to help clear the backlog as quickly as possible.

In summary, the delay in the Sassa R350 grant appeal process is due to a technical issue, and Sassa is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Applicants who have already submitted their appeals do not need to resubmit them and will be notified once their appeals have been processed.