Saraki rejects omolori as nass clerk

It appears you're referring to a recent news development in Nigeria. Here's a summary:

Senate President Bukola Saraki has rejected the nomination of Amos Ojo Omolori as the Clerk of the National Assembly (NASS). Omolori was nominated by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration for the position.

According to reports, Saraki, in a letter to the President, expressed concerns about Omolori's suitability for the role, citing the need for a more experienced and qualified individual to lead the National Assembly's administrative team.

The Senate President's decision is believed to be a result of the controversy surrounding Omolori's appointment, with some lawmakers questioning his qualifications and experience for the position.

It's worth noting that the rejection of Omolori's nomination is a significant development in Nigerian politics, as it highlights the ongoing power struggle between the executive and legislative arms of government.

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