Ga governor results fox news

According to the latest results from Fox News, the 2022 Georgia gubernatorial election has been won by incumbent Governor Brian Kemp, a Republican, who has defeated his Democratic challenger, Stacey Abrams.

Here are the latest results:

Governor of Georgia

As of 11:30 PM ET, with 99% of precincts reporting, Governor Kemp has maintained a lead of around 270,000 votes. While Abrams has not yet conceded, it appears unlikely that she will be able to overcome the significant margin.

It's worth noting that this election has been closely watched due to the state's importance in national politics and the high stakes for both parties. Kemp's victory is seen as a significant win for Republicans, while Abrams' loss marks a setback for Democrats.

Please keep in mind that these results are subject to change as more votes are counted and certified.