Sanusis daughter reacts to her fathers dethronement

Sanusis's daughter, Princess Lyra, sat in stunned silence as the news of her father's dethronement spread throughout the kingdom. She had always known that her father's reign was not without controversy, but she had never imagined that it would end in such a dramatic and public manner.

As the reality of the situation began to sink in, Lyra felt a mix of emotions: shock, anger, and sadness. She had always been close to her father, and the thought of him no longer being the ruler of the kingdom was almost too much to bear.

"Why did this have to happen?" Lyra asked aloud, her voice trembling with emotion. "What did Father do wrong?"

She thought back to the many times she had seen her father struggling to make difficult decisions, to the times he had been criticized by the council and the people. She remembered the way he had always tried to do what he thought was best for the kingdom, even when it was hard.

But despite her father's flaws, Lyra knew that he was a good man. He had always been kind to her and her mother, and he had worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the people in the kingdom.

As the news of her father's dethronement spread, Lyra began to receive messages of condolence from all over the kingdom. People she had never met were writing to her, expressing their sadness and sympathy. It was a small comfort, but it was something.

Lyra knew that she would have to come to terms with her new reality, to find a way to move forward in a kingdom that was no longer ruled by her father. She was determined to do what was best for the kingdom, just as her father had always tried to do.

But for now, she just sat in her room, surrounded by the memories of her childhood, and wept for the father she had lost.