Ti tiny news

Here are some tiny news tidbits for you:

  1. World's smallest book: A team of scientists has created the world's smallest book, measuring just 0.07 millimeters in length. It's a tiny edition of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and contains 48 pages.
  2. Tiny robot helps with surgery: A new robotic system has been developed to assist surgeons during operations. The tiny robot, called "RoboSurge," is about the size of a human hand and can perform tasks such as suturing and dissection.
  3. Smallest known animal: Scientists have discovered the smallest known animal in the world, a species of parasitic wasp called "Dinocampus coccinellae." It's just 0.15 millimeters long and can fit on the tip of a human hair.
  4. Tiny house movement: The tiny house movement is gaining popularity, with more people opting for small, eco-friendly homes. The average tiny house is around 200-400 square feet, but some are as small as 100 square feet.
  5. World's smallest pizza: A pizzeria in Italy has created the world's smallest pizza, measuring just 1.5 inches in diameter. It's topped with mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, and basil.

These tiny news tidbits are sure to bring a smile to your face!